The DOEN Foundation believes that a green, social and creative society is possible. That is why it contributes to innovative initiatives that bring this goal closer to realisation. But as an impact fund, how do you know to what extent a contribution has actually made a difference? And with multiple project applications, how do you choose the project that will achieve the most impact?

Making impact visible

DOEN started working with Impact House with the aim of optimising its social impact. Together we developed an impact monitoring system that focused on learning, both for DOEN and the organisations it supports. This gave DOEN data on the changes it brings about and the extent to which an initiative contributes to DOEN’s main objectives.

Learning and adjusting

DOEN figures out the approach that works best through the use of clear performance indicators, stories of meaningful change, and the lessons learned from past initiatives. It can then make the necessary adjustments and make more impactful decisions. With tools such as the dynamic learning agenda and special meetings for reflection, DOEN and its partners learn from their greatest successes and brilliant blunders. That is how they can determine the most effective ways in which DOEN can contribute to complex impact and transition issues.

Further increasing impact

Through structural learning about its impact and by making it an explicit part of its working method, DOEN and its partners keep on improving. DOEN continues to increase its impact.