The Netherlands can be your gateway to Europe for your (European) trading activities. The Netherlands is located in the centre of Europe and does have one of the most important harbours (Rotterdam is Europe’s largest harbour), airports (Schiphol Amsterdam) and other transport facilities in the world. And also from a tax perspective, the Netherlands is an attractive location to incorporate an entity. The Netherlands has competitive corporate income tax rates (15.0% on the first € 245,000 profit range and 25% for profits exceeding this amount FY2021) and has many attractive fiscal regimes. Furthermore, the Netherlands provides for great tax solutions to reduce the VAT burden in Europe, as well as expat relocation opportunities.

From helping you find the best location, to setting up a branch or subsidiary, we are committed to providing pragmatic and timely advice that allows you to focus on achieving your business goals.

International expansion is an important step. With a dedicated international business adviser, who takes time to understand your business and customise the specific services you require, you’ll know you have the support to manage the risks and maximise the potential a new market offers your business.

What we can offer you

Our specialists can help at every stage of your company’s growth cycle. This varies from from starting-up and raising venture funding to acquisitions or mergers with another company. If you are a Dutch company, we can assist you going abroad. If you wish to invest in the Netherlands or use the Netherlands as a base to expand into other markets - we’re at your side.

We have specialists on a variety of fields, who can provide detailed advice or just think along. For example:

  • Establishing a company in the Netherlands.
  • Creating an international structure.
  • Mergers and acquisitions.
  • How to finance your company.
  • International employment.
  • Financial analysis.

Do you have thoughts on expanding or moving to the Netherlands? Get in touch with our experts.

Learn how we can help you to set up and grow your business

Download our brochure 'Unlock the Netherlands' [ 2901 kb ]

Why you should choose the Netherlands?

The Netherlands is the 6th largest economy of the European Union. It has one of the largest recipients of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world due to its status as an attractive investment location and rich history. The country has a market-based mixed economy which has played a key role in the European economy for many centuries. Its leading sectors include: shipping, fishing, agriculture, trade and banking.

Some key factors of the Netherlands are:

  • Valued business environment
  • Preferred location
  • Internationally oriented economy
  • Valued business environment
    Valued business environment
    It’s location and business environment is much appreciated by business owners. And the Netherlands has a great history of trading.
  • Preferred location
    Preferred location
    The Netherlands became the preferred location for companies wanting to set up an European Distribution Centre (EDC), as the existing infrastructure of railways, waterways, pipelines and highways ranks among the best in the world. Additionally, the Netherlands has the largest port in Europe.
  • Internationally oriented economy
    Internationally oriented economy
    The Netherlands is one of the largest economies of Europe which is known for being open and internationally oriented. It has a mature financial sector, an educated multilingual workforce and is focused on technology and innovation.
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